Beyond Bias:
The Path to End Gender
Inequality at Work

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Despite extensive and costly efforts to eliminate workplace gender inequality, little progress has been made in recent years. The problem is that these efforts have largely focused on training people to be less biased and more inclusive. But gender inequality is not primarily a problem caused by individuals’ biases; it is a systemic problem caused by the discriminatory operation of workplace systems, processes, and practices.

Beyond Bias presents a four-prong program—PATH—for directly attacking the systemic nature of this problem. In the authors’ characteristically clear and engaging style, they lay out a comprehensive set of practical and effective actions organizations can take to change their personnel management systems and remove the gendered obstacles that are holding women back; Beyond Bias points the way to what organizations can finally do to systematically remove gender inequality and make workplaces truly inclusive for everyone.

Andie and Al Show Us How Big Goals are Met Through Small Wins

Here it is! We’ve long been in pursuit of creating a bias-free workplace – what is needed to unlock so much potential and profit for our businesses. Yet so many companies have put in place huge efforts that have failed. Through their PATH program, Andie and Al show us how big goals are met through small wins. Focus on the seemingly small practices they outline that compound over time, and you and your organization will reach the goal we all seek.
Lee Caraher, CEO, Double Forte, Author of Millennials & Management and The Boomerang Principle, and host of Everything Speaks
Andie & Al
Here it is! We’ve long been in pursuit of creating a bias-free workplace – what is needed to unlock so much potential and profit for our businesses. Yet so many companies have put in place huge efforts that have failed. Through their PATH program, Andie and Al show us how big goals are met through small wins. Focus on the seemingly small practices they outline that compound over time, and you and your organization will reach the goal we all seek. Lee Caraher, CEO, Double Forte, Author of Millennials & Management and The Boomerang Principle, and host of Everything Speaks

Timely, Powerful and Compelling

Beyond Bias is a timely, powerful, and compelling book. In it, Kramer and Harris provide a clear and do-able PATH to create a business climate where people feel trusted and appreciated; one where DE&I is more than hope - it becomes a reality.
Andi Simon, Ph.D. Corporate Anthropologist and CEO Simon Associates Management Consultants
Andie & Al
Beyond Bias is a timely, powerful, and compelling book. In it, Kramer and Harris provide a clear and do-able PATH to create a business climate where people feel trusted and appreciated; one where DE&I is more than hope - it becomes a reality. Andi Simon, Ph.D. Corporate Anthropologist and CEO Simon Associates Management Consultants

Foster Deeper Engagement from Both Men and Women

Finally, a book that tackles workplace gender inequality at the root of the problem. Grounded in solid research, this book is a must for leaders determined to improve business results by fostering deeper engagement from both men and women.
Carol Frohlinger, President, Negotiating Women, Inc.
Andie & Al
Finally, a book that tackles workplace gender inequality at the root of the problem. Grounded in solid research, this book is a must for leaders determined to improve business results by fostering deeper engagement from both men and women. Carol Frohlinger, President, Negotiating Women, Inc.

A Must Read for Every Leader

Beyond Bias’s actionable best practices equip leaders with the tools to create an equitable and more productive workplace that allows everyone to thrive. The “must read” for every leader who is serious about positioning their organization for success in the 21st century!
David G. Smith, PhD, Johns Hopkins University & W. Brad Johnson, PhD, U.S. Naval Academy, authors of Good Guys and Athena Rising
Andie & Al
Beyond Bias’s actionable best practices equip leaders with the tools to create an equitable and more productive workplace that allows everyone to thrive. The “must read” for every leader who is serious about positioning their organization for success in the 21st century! David G. Smith, PhD, Johns Hopkins University & W. Brad Johnson, PhD, U.S. Naval Academy, authors of Good Guys and Athena Rising

A Curated Introduction on Workplace Gender Bias

Beyond Bias offers a curated introduction to the literature on workplace gender bias, and many concrete steps organizations can take to interrupt bias by providing more structure in their business systems.
Joan C. Williams, Author of Bias Interrupted: Creating Inclusion for Real and for Good, Harvard Business Review Press, 2021
Andie & Al
Beyond Bias offers a curated introduction to the literature on workplace gender bias, and many concrete steps organizations can take to interrupt bias by providing more structure in their business systems. Joan C. Williams, Author of Bias Interrupted: Creating Inclusion for Real and for Good, Harvard Business Review Press, 2021
Andie & Al

Second Edition

Breaking Through Bias: Communication Techniques for Women to Succeed at Work

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Since Breaking Through Bias was published in 2016, the #MeToo movement has exposed just how pervasive sexual harassment is in the workplace. The increase in public misogynistic comments has made clear that explicit gender bias is not a thing of the past; and stay-at-home orders and school closings due to Covid-19 have brought into even sharper focus the discriminatory impact of the unequal division of child care and household responsibilities between most couples.

In this Second Edition of Breaking Through Bias, the authors, Kramer and Harris, explain how these recent developments fit into a larger pattern of implicit or unconscious gender bias that imposes serious obstacles to women’s career advancement. They argue persuasively, however, that while this bias is the result of deeply rooted gender stereotypes, women can avoid or overcome its discriminatory consequences by the effective use of “attuned gender communication” to manage the impressions other people have of them.

Kramer and Harris illustrate the use of attuned gender communication in each of the contexts in which gender bias manifests itself: negative bias (women are not as talented as men), benevolent bias (women need men’s support), age bias (older women are not effective workers), motherhood bias (women with children are not committed to their careers), and self-limiting bias (women believing themselves not suited for particular roles).

Drawing on decades of experience supervising, training, evaluating, mentoring, and sponsoring thousands of women as well as exhaustive social science research, Kramer and Harris present in this updated and fully revised Second Edition unique, practical, and highly effective advice women can use to break through bias and achieve the career success they desire and deserve.

Create Your Own Change

Change cannot come fast enough in the pursuit of gender equality in the workplace. In Breaking Through Bias, Andie and Al provide strategies that allow women—and men—to create their own change by teaching us to communicate in a way that overcomes biases and stereotypes. This information is invaluable for all professionals looking to accelerate within inclusive workplaces around the globe.
Deborah Gillis, president & CEO, Catalyst
Andie & Al
Change cannot come fast enough in the pursuit of gender equality in the workplace. In Breaking Through Bias, Andie and Al provide strategies that allow women—and men—to create their own change by teaching us to communicate in a way that overcomes biases and stereotypes. This information is invaluable for all professionals looking to accelerate within inclusive workplaces around the globe. Deborah Gillis, president & CEO, Catalyst

Hugely Impactful Tools

Women are more qualified, educated, and prepared for leadership roles in every field—business, law, politics, and technology—than ever before. Yet, well into the 21st century, we still encounter the old barriers of prejudice and gender biasBreaking Through Bias provides women with hugely impactful tools that can be put to use right now to confront gender issues and, yes, partner with enlightened men to promote our advancement.
Jan Schakowsky, Congresswoman, 9th District of Illinois
Andie & Al
Women are more qualified, educated, and prepared for leadership roles in every field—business, law, politics, and technology—than ever before. Yet, well into the 21st century, we still encounter the old barriers of prejudice and gender bias. Breaking Through Bias provides women with hugely impactful tools that can be put to use right now to confront gender issues and, yes, partner with enlightened men to promote our advancement. Jan Schakowsky, Congresswoman, 9th District of Illinois

A Great Read for Any Woman Who Wants to Take Control of Her Career

It is exciting to see the ideas that Andie has been using for so long to personally mentor women now being made available on a broad scale in this terrific book. A great read for any woman who wants to take control of her career and be seen as the smart, capable woman she is.
Julie Howard, chairman & CEO at Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Andie & Al
It is exciting to see the ideas that Andie has been using for so long to personally mentor women now being made available on a broad scale in this terrific book. A great read for any woman who wants to take control of her career and be seen as the smart, capable woman she is. Julie Howard, chairman & CEO at Navigant Consulting, Inc.

The Perfect Primer to Navigate Gender Bias

Andie and Al have created the perfect primer to navigate through the treacherous waters of gender bias. This is not a book you read and donate to your neighborhood library! You’ll want to keep it handy for its many insights and apply them to the countless scenarios that emerge throughout your personal and professional life. This is the book I wish I had more than 35 years ago when I launched my career in public relations.
Cheryl Procter-Rogers, PR strategist and executive coach, A Step Ahead PR Consulting and Coaching
Andie & Al
Andie and Al have created the perfect primer to navigate through the treacherous waters of gender bias. This is not a book you read and donate to your neighborhood library! You’ll want to keep it handy for its many insights and apply them to the countless scenarios that emerge throughout your personal and professional life. This is the book I wish I had more than 35 years ago when I launched my career in public relations. Cheryl Procter-Rogers, PR strategist and executive coach, A Step Ahead PR Consulting and Coaching

Benevolent Sexism Is as Damaging as It Is Unintentional

According to spouses Kramer and Harris, ‘Women don’t need to be fixed,’ but society does, and quickly. The authors proceed to identify a serious advancement problem for women, who make up 45% of entry-level professionals but only 17% of C-suite executives. They blame this gap on the pervasiveness of gender stereotypes, which lead to a kind of ‘benevolent sexism’ that’s as damaging as it is unintentional. Kramer and Harris acknowledge that systemic change is important, but it takes time, which leaves current would-be executives in the dust. The authors discuss managing perceptions, being aware of body language, crafting communications, and using anger to its best effect … a well-organized, well-thought-out call to action…
Publishers Weekly
Andie & Al
According to spouses Kramer and Harris, ‘Women don’t need to be fixed,’ but society does, and quickly. The authors proceed to identify a serious advancement problem for women, who make up 45% of entry-level professionals but only 17% of C-suite executives. They blame this gap on the pervasiveness of gender stereotypes, which lead to a kind of ‘benevolent sexism’ that’s as damaging as it is unintentional. Kramer and Harris acknowledge that systemic change is important, but it takes time, which leaves current would-be executives in the dust. The authors discuss managing perceptions, being aware of body language, crafting communications, and using anger to its best effect … a well-organized, well-thought-out call to action… Publishers Weekly

The book contains so many important facts and valuable information

I absolutely love Breaking Through Bias! I wish you were not so humble and shared that you have written practical books on such important topics. The book contains so many important facts and valuable information. I purchased the electronic version, so the book and my highlights travel with me wherever I go.
Daryl Maxwell
Andie & Al
I absolutely love Breaking Through Bias! I wish you were not so humble and shared that you have written practical books on such important topics. The book contains so many important facts and valuable information. I purchased the electronic version, so the book and my highlights travel with me wherever I go. Daryl Maxwell

Practical Without Asking Women to be Something Other Than Who They Are

Andie has worked tirelessly on the advancement of women in workplaces for so many years, and the wisdom and insights from that work are elegantly captured in this book! Breaking Through Bias is a great resource for women navigating the realities of workplace gender bias and the men who want to make their workplaces work better for everyone! Andie and Al’s advice is practical without asking women to be something other than who they are, which is why it will also be effective for those who utilize it.
Dr. Arin Reeves, author of One Size Never Fits All: Business Development Strategies for Women (And Most Men) and The Next IQ: The Next Generation of Intelligence for 21st Century Leaders
Andie & Al
Andie has worked tirelessly on the advancement of women in workplaces for so many years, and the wisdom and insights from that work are elegantly captured in this book! Breaking Through Bias is a great resource for women navigating the realities of workplace gender bias and the men who want to make their workplaces work better for everyone! Andie and Al’s advice is practical without asking women to be something other than who they are, which is why it will also be effective for those who utilize it. Dr. Arin Reeves, author of One Size Never Fits All: Business Development Strategies for Women (And Most Men) and The Next IQ: The Next Generation of Intelligence for 21st Century Leaders

This Book Should Be Mandatory Reading

Barriers to gender equality persist. This groundbreaking book encourages talented women to persevere on the road to achieving the success they seek. This book should be mandatory reading for women both at the onset of their careers and on the path to the top of their profession.
Laurel G. Bellows, managing principal, The Bellows Law Group, P.C. and past president, American Bar Association

Andie & Al
Barriers to gender equality persist. This groundbreaking book encourages talented women to persevere on the road to achieving the success they seek. This book should be mandatory reading for women both at the onset of their careers and on the path to the top of their profession. Laurel G. Bellows, managing principal, The Bellows Law Group, P.C. and past president, American Bar Association

Enthusiastically Recommended

The medical profession is no more free of gender bias than all other professions that make up our economy. From the early stages of training to achieving the attending physician status, bias exists at every level. Thus, I am enthusiastically recommending that women medical students, residents, and fellow colleagues read and re-read Breaking Through Bias.
Neelum T. Aggarwal, MD, Chief Diversity Officer of American Medical Women's Association; chair of Mentors, Advisors and Peers Committee, Women in Bio (Chicago); associate professor, Departments of Neurological Sciences and Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center
Andie & Al
The medical profession is no more free of gender bias than all other professions that make up our economy. From the early stages of training to achieving the attending physician status, bias exists at every level. Thus, I am enthusiastically recommending that women medical students, residents, and fellow colleagues read and re-read Breaking Through Bias. Neelum T. Aggarwal, MD, Chief Diversity Officer of American Medical Women's Association; chair of Mentors, Advisors and Peers Committee, Women in Bio (Chicago); associate professor, Departments of Neurological Sciences and Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center

Practical and Accessible Strategies

Andie and Al have written an exceptional book – and an important one. It reflects decades of experience in thinking about how to overcome gender bias, and is chock-full of practical and accessible strategies for surmounting the challenges that women – and men – face. It should be read and studied by anyone seeking to win in the worldwide battle for talent.
Jeffrey E. Stone, chairman, McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Andie & Al
Andie and Al have written an exceptional book – and an important one. It reflects decades of experience in thinking about how to overcome gender bias, and is chock-full of practical and accessible strategies for surmounting the challenges that women – and men – face. It should be read and studied by anyone seeking to win in the worldwide battle for talent. Jeffrey E. Stone, chairman, McDermott Will & Emery LLP

Essential Knowledge for Men Who Want to Support Women

Andie and Al tackle the all-important subject of gender-correlated communication styles in the workplace from a fresh perspective. Combining their own real-life experiences (as a woman and as a man) with solid research, Breaking Through Bias is a highly readable book. Offering both practical advice for women and essential knowledge to the men who want to support them, this is a book to read and to share with others.
Carol Frohlinger, president, Negotiating Women, Inc.
Andie & Al
Andie and Al tackle the all-important subject of gender-correlated communication styles in the workplace from a fresh perspective. Combining their own real-life experiences (as a woman and as a man) with solid research, Breaking Through Bias is a highly readable book. Offering both practical advice for women and essential knowledge to the men who want to support them, this is a book to read and to share with others. Carol Frohlinger, president, Negotiating Women, Inc.

A Wake-Up Call for Senior Business Leaders

Breaking Through Bias serves as a wake-up call for senior business leaders. The book explores common gender stereotypes and discusses the discriminatory bias that results. Based on my own work on culture change over the past five years, I am convinced that bias in the workplace is real. Things aren’t equal. I can’t allow myself to be satisfied with an environment where female employees have to expend energy combatting bias, so culture change is necessary – but it is slow work. This book offers insights and practical approaches to help women manage the environment as it exists. It is essential reading for modern business people of either gender.
Lee Richard Tschanz, vice president North America, Sales, Services, and Solutions, Rockwell Automation
Andie & Al
Breaking Through Bias serves as a wake-up call for senior business leaders. The book explores common gender stereotypes and discusses the discriminatory bias that results. Based on my own work on culture change over the past five years, I am convinced that bias in the workplace is real. Things aren’t equal. I can’t allow myself to be satisfied with an environment where female employees have to expend energy combatting bias, so culture change is necessary – but it is slow work. This book offers insights and practical approaches to help women manage the environment as it exists. It is essential reading for modern business people of either gender. Lee Richard Tschanz, vice president North America, Sales, Services, and Solutions, Rockwell Automation
Andie & Al

It’s Not You, It’s the Workplace: Women’s Conflict at Work and the Bias that Built It

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Andie & Al are often asked about same-sex dynamics at work. Men’s relationships with one another are seen as the baseline. What does that mean for women? Is it inevitable that women’s relationships with one another become difficult—even disruptive to their careers?

It’s Not You, It’s the Workplace challenges those ideas with its real-world advice to women on ways to overcome conflict. Most importantly, the book shows how to build upon the many positive aspects of women-to-women relationships in order to foster women’s success. After all, the data is in: When women are truly satisfied in their professions, their organizations thrive. Andie & Al lay out how women, men, and their organizations can and should work together to create workplaces where successful careers are a reality for women.

Expanding on their decades of experience helping women succeed at work, Andie and Al use their combined—but distinctive—female and male perspectives to provide new and discerning viewpoints on the often-fraught scenarios of women working for, working with, supervising, and collaborating with other women. They examine each narrative in depth and provide practical, immediately usable techniques that will allow women to better develop strong networks that will foster their career success, men to help avoid or resolve women-to-women workplace conflicts, and organizations to structure their policies and practices so that bias does not block women’s career satisfaction and advancement to leadership.

Thought-provoking and Well-researched

This very thought-provoking and well-researched book is a must-read for any executive who truly strives to create a culture of meritocracy.
Stephen P. Hills, Former President, The Washington Post

Andie & Al
This very thought-provoking and well-researched book is a must-read for any executive who truly strives to create a culture of meritocracy. Stephen P. Hills, Former President, The Washington Post

The Time for It’s Not You, It’s the Workplace is Right Now!

In their usual candid and pragmatic way, Andie and Al build awareness for the causes of woman-to-woman conflict, re-frame the perspective of both men and women, and most importantly offer specific action plans to create a critical mass of women senior leaders to dismantle the male stereotypes of our workplaces. The time for It’s Not You, It’s the Workplace is right now!
Dr. Pat Buhler, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Professor at Goldey-Beacom College
Andie & Al
In their usual candid and pragmatic way, Andie and Al build awareness for the causes of woman-to-woman conflict, re-frame the perspective of both men and women, and most importantly offer specific action plans to create a critical mass of women senior leaders to dismantle the male stereotypes of our workplaces. The time for It’s Not You, It’s the Workplace is right now! Dr. Pat Buhler, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Professor at Goldey-Beacom College

Insightful Observations and Revealing Examples

In their helpful new book, Kramer and Harris uncover the workplace dynamics that so often make it difficult for women to actively support each other’s careers. As they did in Breaking Through Bias, they break down the social science research, add their own insightful observations, provide revealing examples, and present the reader with highly original, practical, and actionable next steps to make their workplace relationships more positive and beneficial.
Kate Ahern, Director, Business Start-up Clinic, Roger Williams University School of Law, Founder,

Andie & Al
In their helpful new book, Kramer and Harris uncover the workplace dynamics that so often make it difficult for women to actively support each other’s careers. As they did in Breaking Through Bias, they break down the social science research, add their own insightful observations, provide revealing examples, and present the reader with highly original, practical, and actionable next steps to make their workplace relationships more positive and beneficial. Kate Ahern, Director, Business Start-up Clinic, Roger Williams University School of Law, Founder,

Debunking the Myth that Women Intentionally Thwart the Success of Other Women

Kudos to Kramer and Harris for debunking the long-held myth that women intentionally thwart the success of other women. With the increasing complexity of two other big jobs—caregiving for children and aging parents—there has never been a more critical time for professional women to bond together and find ways to blend work and life for personal fulfillment, career advancement, and long-term financial security. This book gets rid of any perceived or real obstacles to smart women helping other smart women develop their own brands of ambition and success.
Kathryn Sollmann, Author, Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Doesn’t Work for Every Woman & What to Do Instead
Andie & Al
Kudos to Kramer and Harris for debunking the long-held myth that women intentionally thwart the success of other women. With the increasing complexity of two other big jobs—caregiving for children and aging parents—there has never been a more critical time for professional women to bond together and find ways to blend work and life for personal fulfillment, career advancement, and long-term financial security. This book gets rid of any perceived or real obstacles to smart women helping other smart women develop their own brands of ambition and success. Kathryn Sollmann, Author, Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Doesn’t Work for Every Woman & What to Do Instead

Great Insights and Practical Tips

Andie and Al’s insistence on the value of women's mutual support and advocacy--sisterhood--rang true to me. Too often we are told that women are naturally antagonistic to other women. Nonsense. This book is filled with great insights and practical tips for assuring women's workplace relationships with other women are positive and satisfying. This is a terrific book!"
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky

Andie & Al
Andie and Al’s insistence on the value of women's mutual support and advocacy--sisterhood--rang true to me. Too often we are told that women are naturally antagonistic to other women. Nonsense. This book is filled with great insights and practical tips for assuring women's workplace relationships with other women are positive and satisfying. This is a terrific book!" Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky

Read This First-rate book

Having managed businesses in the US and Europe I have had ample opportunity to observe the workplace relations between women on two continents. Kramer and Harris’s book sheds fascinating new light on a phenomenon that has long puzzled me. I had never considered the impact of a male-dominated workplace on women’s relations with other women. I encourage any person interested in or involved with the management of ambitious women to read this first-rate book.
Marshall I. Wais, Jr., Chairman, Board of Governors, American Hospital of Paris

Andie & Al
Having managed businesses in the US and Europe I have had ample opportunity to observe the workplace relations between women on two continents. Kramer and Harris’s book sheds fascinating new light on a phenomenon that has long puzzled me. I had never considered the impact of a male-dominated workplace on women’s relations with other women. I encourage any person interested in or involved with the management of ambitious women to read this first-rate book. Marshall I. Wais, Jr., Chairman, Board of Governors, American Hospital of Paris

An Important Book for Everyone Who Wants to See Equal Representation

As one of the few female drivers racing in NASCAR, I believe it is important for women to support one another. Kramer and Harris persuasively demonstrate how women, and groups at large, can be even more effective when women work together to combat negative stereotypes and assumptions about women. This is an important book for everyone who wants to see equal representation of men and women in any field.
Julia Landauer, NASCAR Racer, Entrepreneur, Speaker

Andie & Al
As one of the few female drivers racing in NASCAR, I believe it is important for women to support one another. Kramer and Harris persuasively demonstrate how women, and groups at large, can be even more effective when women work together to combat negative stereotypes and assumptions about women. This is an important book for everyone who wants to see equal representation of men and women in any field. Julia Landauer, NASCAR Racer, Entrepreneur, Speaker

Andie and Al Set the Record Straight

The belief that women inherently do not work well together is one of our workplaces most unhelpful narratives. Andie and Al tackle it head on and set the record straight with pragmatism and optimism. This book is perfect not only for women looking to achieve successful and fulfilling careers but for the men and organizations that benefit equally when the most talented leaders rise to the top.
Heather Cabot, Co-Author, Geek Girl Rising: Inside The Sisterhood Shaking Up Tech

Andie & Al
The belief that women inherently do not work well together is one of our workplaces most unhelpful narratives. Andie and Al tackle it head on and set the record straight with pragmatism and optimism. This book is perfect not only for women looking to achieve successful and fulfilling careers but for the men and organizations that benefit equally when the most talented leaders rise to the top. Heather Cabot, Co-Author, Geek Girl Rising: Inside The Sisterhood Shaking Up Tech

Andie and Al Call Bullsh^t on the Negative Narrative We’ve Been Fed

Andie and Al call bullsh^t on the negative narrative we’ve been fed about women’s same-gendered conflict in the workplace. After clearing the deck by systematically demonstrating that the evolutionary, socialization and internalized misogynistic “reasons” for this damaging narrative are false, Al and Andie get to work to show us all how we can make it better. A must read for every leader, every individual contributor, every woman, and every man in the workplace.
Lee Caraher, CEO Double Forte and Author of The Boomerang Principle and Millennials & Management
Andie & Al
Andie and Al call bullsh^t on the negative narrative we’ve been fed about women’s same-gendered conflict in the workplace. After clearing the deck by systematically demonstrating that the evolutionary, socialization and internalized misogynistic “reasons” for this damaging narrative are false, Al and Andie get to work to show us all how we can make it better. A must read for every leader, every individual contributor, every woman, and every man in the workplace. Lee Caraher, CEO Double Forte and Author of The Boomerang Principle and Millennials & Management

Refreshing, Empowering, and Exactly What is Needed

I cannot tell you how many times this question has come up when I am in groups of women executives! It is great to see experts like Andie and Al get to an empirically-based answer and point to real actions. This book is refreshing, empowering, and exactly what is needed to help women successfully navigate their path to career success.
Amy Radin, Innovation Advisor and Author of The Changemaker’s Playbook: How to Seek, Seed, and Scale Innovation in Any Company
Andie & Al
I cannot tell you how many times this question has come up when I am in groups of women executives! It is great to see experts like Andie and Al get to an empirically-based answer and point to real actions. This book is refreshing, empowering, and exactly what is needed to help women successfully navigate their path to career success. Amy Radin, Innovation Advisor and Author of The Changemaker’s Playbook: How to Seek, Seed, and Scale Innovation in Any Company

Sensible, Practical Advice

It is hard enough for women to advance in their careers without other women coming into conflict with them. Finally, we have a clear explanation of why these conflicts occur and sensible, practical advice for overcoming them. This is an important and truly original book. It ought to be read by every woman pursuing a career, thinking about restarting a career, or a student getting ready to start her career--and, of course, by the leaders of their organizations. Andie and Al have written another terrific and groundbreaking book.
Laurel G. Bellows, Managing Principal, The Bellows Law Group, P.C. and past president, American Bar Association
Andie & Al
It is hard enough for women to advance in their careers without other women coming into conflict with them. Finally, we have a clear explanation of why these conflicts occur and sensible, practical advice for overcoming them. This is an important and truly original book. It ought to be read by every woman pursuing a career, thinking about restarting a career, or a student getting ready to start her career--and, of course, by the leaders of their organizations. Andie and Al have written another terrific and groundbreaking book. Laurel G. Bellows, Managing Principal, The Bellows Law Group, P.C. and past president, American Bar Association

A Great Value to Working Women Everywhere

It’s Not You, It’s the Workplace is full of profound insights into the reasons women around the world so often have difficulties working with other women. As a Chinese woman, Andie and Al’s discussion of Asian women being stereotyped as the “model minority” was powerful. As a woman who spends half of her time out of the United States, I believe this book will be of great value to working women everywhere.
Yang Yang, Associate Professor, China University of Political Science and Law

Andie & Al
It’s Not You, It’s the Workplace is full of profound insights into the reasons women around the world so often have difficulties working with other women. As a Chinese woman, Andie and Al’s discussion of Asian women being stereotyped as the “model minority” was powerful. As a woman who spends half of her time out of the United States, I believe this book will be of great value to working women everywhere. Yang Yang, Associate Professor, China University of Political Science and Law

Insightful Advice as to How to Build and Maintain Workplace Sisterhoods

Andie and Al's emphasis on the value and power of workplace sisterhoods is spot on. Women's support for and advocacy of other women is contagious. As the co-founder of a successful network for women in intellectual property, I've seen sisterhood in action. This book is filled with insightful advice as to how to build and maintain workplace sisterhoods.
Molly Keelan, Co-founder, Chicago Women in Intellectual Property "ChiWIP"
Andie & Al
Andie and Al's emphasis on the value and power of workplace sisterhoods is spot on. Women's support for and advocacy of other women is contagious. As the co-founder of a successful network for women in intellectual property, I've seen sisterhood in action. This book is filled with insightful advice as to how to build and maintain workplace sisterhoods. Molly Keelan, Co-founder, Chicago Women in Intellectual Property "ChiWIP"

A Win-Win for Women and for Their Organizations

After having way too many women tell me that their most difficult workplace negotiations are with other women, I’m now able to offer them new guidance — “It’s Not You, It's The Workplace.” This well-researched book debunks the dangerous yet commonly held myth that day to day negotiations at work between women are destined to be played as a zero-sum game. Instead, Kramer and Harris offer women practical tips about how to negotiate good business decisions and manage inevitable workplace conflicts by adopting a mutual gains mindset. The result – a “win-win” for women and for their organizations.
Carol Frohlinger, President of Negotiating Women, Inc. and co-author of Her Place at the Table: A Woman’s Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success

Andie & Al
After having way too many women tell me that their most difficult workplace negotiations are with other women, I’m now able to offer them new guidance — “It’s Not You, It's The Workplace.” This well-researched book debunks the dangerous yet commonly held myth that day to day negotiations at work between women are destined to be played as a zero-sum game. Instead, Kramer and Harris offer women practical tips about how to negotiate good business decisions and manage inevitable workplace conflicts by adopting a mutual gains mindset. The result – a “win-win” for women and for their organizations. Carol Frohlinger, President of Negotiating Women, Inc. and co-author of Her Place at the Table: A Woman’s Guide to Negotiating Five Key Challenges to Leadership Success

An Actionable Roadmap for Change

Andie and Al touch on a topic that is a raw nerve to so many. With a specific focus on the biases women encounter with each other in the workplace, Andie and Al have dissected the issue and its effects, providing an actionable roadmap for change. This book is a must for any executive looking to make real change and achieve gender equity in their organization.
Julie M. Howard, CEO Navigant

Andie & Al
Andie and Al touch on a topic that is a raw nerve to so many. With a specific focus on the biases women encounter with each other in the workplace, Andie and Al have dissected the issue and its effects, providing an actionable roadmap for change. This book is a must for any executive looking to make real change and achieve gender equity in their organization. Julie M. Howard, CEO Navigant
Andie & Al
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